Monday, January 14, 2013

Body Rebuild & Rejuvenate Massage

Body Rebuild & Rejuvenate Massage

自然保健方法透過瑜伽磚,輪棒, 按摩身體重要穴位. ,從頭到腳,從手指的放鬆到手臂,肩頸,以及前胸和上背部,解決肩頸等痠痛的困擾.

適合有以下困擾者:媽媽手,腱鞘囊腫,電腦手, 三叉神經痛,落枕,扁頭痛,牙關痛,失眠,不會呼吸肌肉緊繃,血壓高,睡眠中止症,雙下巴  一般人常有腰痛及腿疼的困擾.

適合有以下困擾者: 一般人常有腰痛及腿疼的困擾.

It is  the natural muscles rebuilding method that enhanced  self body awareness This unique action for therapeutic approaches blend in restorative  yoga posture, meridian massage (with roller) and breathwork and used of yoga blocks and roller to massage the effected area.

Neck, Shoulder and Upper Body Massage
Suitable For : People with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Hypertension, Migraine,  tendonitis, arthritis. Torticollis  (neck pain after sleeping),pinched nerve, tennis elbows, golfer arms, hunch back, Jaw pain…. .

Low Back & Legs & Thigh Massage
Suitable for People with all common problems on low back discomfort and legs and knee pain.

*The massage treatment will be open to female only and by appointment.只限于女性.