Sunday, October 20, 2013

Workshops With Senior Iyengar Yoga Teachers - Bobby Clennell

We are very fortunate and honoured to have Bobby Cleannel, the Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher to have 4 days workshops with us in Penang. At this time of posting, we have not decided the theme for the workshops. The date will be on 27/2/2014 to 1/3/201. But will be announce the exact details and timing later. 

Some biodate and information on Bobby:
Bobby Clennell has been a direct student of B.K.S. Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar for 40 years and is a senior teacher at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of New York. She is the author and illustrator of two books, The Woman’s Yoga Book and Watch Me Do Yoga. Bobby’s teaching style is strong, energetic, precise and kind.
Bobby is also the creator of “Yoga Yantra”, a short animated film, based on the movements of B.K.S. Iyengar during his own yoga practice.
For more information: 


Thursday, October 3, 2013

SMART = Myofascial Release & Trigger Point Message

肌肉痠痛是現代人常見的問題,無論是何種職業,一定都曾有肌肉痠痛的經驗。在醫療發達的今天有很多治療方式可以選擇:熱敷、電療、針灸、按摩、 推拿……,症狀卻常常在治療後一段時間後又再復發。這時候很多人就會想問:有沒有什麼方式可以簡單處理自己的肌肉酸痛問題?

SMaRT肌筋膜放鬆技術是一種簡單、省時、省力、經濟,且可自己施行的肌肉痠痛處理方式,運用【Mr. Roller】綜合性肌筋膜調理工具,透過不同套件的特性操作,以正確的擺位、施壓,可達到肌肉與筋膜的放鬆效果,適合各類運動員、需要長時間坐或站的上班族、經常被肌肉痠痛所困擾的勞力工作者;專業的瑜珈老師、運動教練、體育老師、醫療人員、運動傷害防護師,「SMaRT肌筋膜放鬆技術」更是您不可或缺的專業能力之一,讓您可以教導您的個案居家使用或應用於運動訓練課程中。

並有充分的練習。所有參與課程者將獲得全套【Mr. Roller】一組,以作為教學實作、居家自我保健使
用,並將取得臺灣應用復健協會(TARA-Taiwan Applied Rehabilitation AssociationSMaRT

Mr. Roller - SMART (Self Myofascial Release Technique) like traditional stretching, is a great tool for lengthening and elongating muscles, but its benefits are especially helpful for those who often suffer from tight and fatigued muscles. Instead of simply lengthening the muscle, a foam roller massages muscles intensely, much like a massage from a massage therapist, but without the heavy cost. When used often and correctly in application of pressure on the trigger point and as myofascial released the foam roller will be a great help to avoid many sport-related injuries or muscles tightness.
Mr. Roller - SMART 's tools and rollers are great therapeutic tools and you can use it for various exercise. You will be learning self myofascial release treatment and treatment to others . You will be also taught using other tools such as massage ball and sticks for certain purposes. The workshop is best suitable to therapeutic teacher, personal trainer and yoga instructors, sports person, athletes, those having problems with tights muscles issue eg: lower back pain and frozen shoulder.

You will be given a sets of tools when you enrol for the workshop. You are encourage to attend the Myofascial Meridian Workshop as it will be partly related. Those attended the Myofascial Meridian workshop will be entitled for a further discount of RM10. A Certificate of Recognisation will be issued by Taiwan Applied Rehabilitation Association (TARA) in Taiwan.
Enrollment and confirmation by 15/10/2013 for us to arrange the equipment and issuance of Certificate.

Date : 24/11/2013 (1.30 -5pm)
Fees : RM460 (equipments included)
(Registration and payment had to be made before 15/10/2013. Certificate will be printed in Taiwan And equipment had to be shipped from Taiwan. Please provide your full "ENglish" name to be printed on certificate)

Rollers as per in the pictures will be given in the workshop.

Myofascial Meridian Workshop 瑜珈療癒研習 –肌筋膜經線

Yoga is oneness. 瑜珈是身心靈統合的練習,而我們的身體也是一個整體的殿堂。過去我們經常以個別的肌肉或部分來審視身體,而忽略了它的整體關連性。在這場研習課程中,我們將以肌筋膜經線(myofascial meridians)的概念來思考我們的瑜珈練習,並學習幫助學生利用體位法來改善身體的問題。肌筋膜如同人體的神經及循環系統一樣,是一種涵蓋整個人體的網絡,並以張力效應影響及整合全身的功能性,張力失衡便容易使身心產生問題,如高低足弓、X型腿、下背疼痛、肩頸酸痛等,多與肌筋膜的張力失衡有關。

課程中我們會介紹基本的肌筋膜概念,並從淺背線(superficial back line)、淺前線(superficial front line)、側線(lateral line)、旋線(spiral line……等幾條主要的肌筋膜經線來探討瑜珈的練習與療癒。

A myofascial meridian can be defined as a linear series of muscles/myofascial units interconnected within the fascial webbing of the body . Because each myofascial unit functions to create pulling force (the essence of muscle function is that muscles create pulling forces), a myofascial meridian acts to transfer the pulling force of one muscle to the other muscles of the meridian. Further, if a muscle is stretched, the pulling force of this stretch can also be transmitted through the meridian.Therefore, a myofascial meridian is effectively a line that transmits tension (pulling) forces throughout the body. This tension transfers sequentially from one myofascial unit of the meridian to the next. Like the concept of dominoes falling, the tension created at one end of a myofascial meridian can be transferred all the way to the other end.

In this workshop, we will be using and integrating the myofascial meridian systems into our yoga asanas practice as an therapy. Topics that we going to discuss like X-legs, lower back pain, high arch (foot) and stiff neck and shoulder.

We will be reviewing the foundational information about the myofascial system in the human body and indentifies the major myofascial meridians; Superficial back line, superficial front line, lateral line spiral line and etc.

Certificate of Attendance Will be given.

Date : 22/11/2013 – 24/11/2013 (Friday – Sunday)
Time : (22/11 Friday) 9am – 12 noon , 1.30 – 430 pm
(23/11 Sat) 10am – 1pm , 2.30-530pm
(24/11 Sun) 9am - 12 noon
Fees : RM750 RM700 (early bird before 15/10/2013)

Janus Tsai老師
Yoga Alliance瑜珈聯盟E-RYT 200, RYT 500認證導師,國際瑜珈療癒師協會成員,美國YogaFit Yoga Therapy瑜珈療癒認證教師,目前為臺灣應用復健協會及台安醫院瑜珈療癒課程主持人。

Janus老師擁有心理學及運動管理學兩項學位,於2012年取得印度Tantra Yoga高階導師認證,並有多年的體適能及運動訓練經驗,同時具有澳洲Rehab Trainer復健訓練師認證資格。他擅長由心理層面及身體運作機制來解析瑜珈的練習,重視身心靈統合性的運行,引導學生藉由心智帶領身體,透過身體來澄清心智,獲致深刻且美妙的練習經驗。


TARA SMaRT Master Trainer
TARA Slide Board Training Master Trainer
Yoga Alliance E-RYT 200, RYT 500
YogaFit Yoga Therapy Certificated Teacher
Australia Rehab Trainer
Kinesio Taping Practitioner
Norway Redcord Active Introduction Instructor
Mad Dogg Athletics Spinning 3 Stars Instructor
O2 Fitness Certificated Personal Trainer